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        LEELA OF SAI -: PADUKA INSTALLATION .         A devotee of Akkalkot Maharaj , by name Krishnaji Alibagkar , worshipping the photo of Akkalkot Maharaja . He once thought of going to Akkalkot (Sholapur district ) , take the darshan of the Padukas (foot-prints ) of the Maharaj and offer his sincere prayer there , but before he could go there , he got a vision in his dream . Akkalkot Maharaja appeared in the vision and said to him ," Now , Shirdi is my resting place , go there and offer your worship !" So Bhai changed his plan and came to Shirdi .         Worshipped SAI , stayed there for six months and was happy . As a reminiscence of this vision etc ., he prepared the Padukas and installed them on an auspicious day of Shravan , Shaka 1834 (1912 A.D .) under the Neem tree with due ceremonies and formalities , conducted by Dada Kelkar and Upasani . One Dixit Brahmin was appointed by worship , and the management was entrusted to devotee Sagun . 


         LEELA OF SAI -: MASS SAI SATCHARITA PARAYAN WITH YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS .                  SAI SATCHARITA is a Maya, the bewitcher of this world , whose body is adorned by ornaments ,I.e. the meaning of the chapters , like armlets , etc .And who comes with her arms, i.e the chapters , raised high , ready to embrace Sai , who is Brahman incarnate . This book is the empror among books , with its chapters as the ingenious bards or minstrels , who praise the boundless splendour of his glorious faith , knowledge and VEDANTA .            This Sai Satcharit is as expensive bed of the river Ganga ; the arrangement of the chapters is  like the neat Ghats on the banks . Making your heart pure , start the parayan with faith and devotion , completing the reading in a week (SAPTAH ) which will please Sai Baba and you will acquired the wealth of accumulated marit .                Being reading on a Thursday . After taking a bath at dawn ,sit on your seat , after quickly f


               LEELA OF SAI             SAI is the God of incarnate who stepped down on the holy land of Shirdi in the 19th century . He was first seen under a neem tree , deep in meditation ; a young , fair and extremely good -looking boy of 16 . He sat in an asan , motionless ,not distracted by heat or cold , winds or storm . The people of Shirdi were awestruck at this astounding sight of such a young sage in an incredibly deep state if trance . His aura was so calm, so serene that it left a deep , enamoring impact on anyone who merely cast a glance at Him .  No one knew where He came from , who His parents were or where He was born . This young handsome lad of 16 stayed in Shirdi for three years and then suddenly disappeared , only to reappear after some time with a marriage party . He was around twenty when he returned . After that He lived in Shirdi for a span of sixty long years and finally took MAHASAMADHI in 1918 . A rough estimate of his age made by his devotees i


               LEELA OF SAI  SAI who protected prapanch and paramarth of devotees , was not operating for human being alone . He would know the pain and agony of entire living world including birds , animals and plantation . Once Baba called for bread from Laxmi because he left hungry . Though laxmi knew Baba had finished his meal just a little while ago , she obeyed his orders and brought freshly prepared bread . Baba kept it before an emaciated dog at the door of the mosque . When the dog ate the bread , Baba's hunger vanished . Laxmi was enraged because Baba , instead of eating the bread himself , gave it to the dog .     Baba consoled her saying that he ate through the mouths of all creatures .He didn't live in the 5feet 1/2 inches foot human frame . The entire world was his body . He lived in every heart . HE SAW THROUGH ALL EYES . REALLY SAI IS THE THOUSAND -HEADED PURUSHA OF COSMIC FROM . SAI SAI SAI

SAI 's QUOTE -: If you wants blessings , faith should strong

       LEELA OF SAI :-FAITH SHOULD STRONG ..             Ganpatro Narke ,who after  graduation had spent three years at Manchester for specialisation in Geology and Mining went to Shirdi to see his father-in- law Shrimant Booty . Being a spiritually inquisitive turn of mind he saw and paid his respects to Baba and soon became so much attached to Him ,that in all important matters he would not do anything without Baba's permission . For some years he could get only job work for a few months and that too in different provinces . Being tried of this camp life when he heard of a vacancy of a professor's post Benares college carrying a salary of Rs ,300/-per month ,he sought Baba's permission to accept it ; but Baba asked him to desist from such an attempt and continue the job work he had been doing .          Till then there was no chair for Geology and Mining at Poona college,but in 1917 an advertisement appeared calling for applications for such a post in Poona E


     LEELA OF SAI           The GURU can be present in an invisible form like Baba ; the Guru need not be present in physical form since it is difficult to find a real guru easily . In this Kaliyuga ,it is very hard to identify the real Sadguru, as many sham gurus are fostering themselves as real Guru .The Guru should glorify in Godliness and represent the God's character , such as mercy , sympathy , love , simplicity and away from caste , creed and religion .           Everyone wants to be guru , no one wants to be devotee or disciple ; identifying a real guru is very difficult . Nowadays , many people become guru . They do not understand the real responsibility of a Guru . Real SADGURU hardly descend to this earth .      Whoever delivers a discourse  , cannot become a guru . There are many guru who pretend themselves as real guru but common men could easily make out the fake gurus even with their minimum knowledge .    


     LEELA OF SAI              BABA always taught the lesson of cosmic Oneness .He said that the same soul that dwells within him also dwells in animals , plants and all of nature .Once a devotee , Mrs Tarkhed , fed a dog a slice of bread at noon , before going to the Dwarkamai to feed dear Baba . When she later reached the Dwarkamai with her offering of food , Baba said to her lovingly ," I need no more food , as by appeasing the dog's hunger you have already fed Me to my heart content ."            On another occasion , Baba told Lakshmi Bai Shinde , one of Baba's dearest and most intimate devotees , that he was very hungry and that she should get Him something to eat . She loved Baba dearly and could not bear the thought of Baba's hunger . So She rushed home in haste , cooked meals for Baba and run back to the Masjid to serve Baba her dish . Baba  picked up the entire food cooked by her and fed it to a dog outside the Masjid . Lakshmi Bai initiall


          LEELA OF SAI                 Mahalasapati worked as a Goldsmith but he was not so financial happy , he was abjectly poor and it seems Baba didn't want that he should have affluence or plenty of riches . Once a rich person presented to Baba a dish filled with Gold and Silver coins . Baba returned it to the donor in tact . Mahalasapati was present there at the time for his daily worship of Baba . The donor seeing Mahalasapati desired that he be permitted by Baba to give over that dish of coin to Mahalasapati . Baba emphatically disallowed it , saying ,"Real royalty is renunciation . That alone lasts for ever . Riches are evanscent."             Though unlucky in money-matters Shri Mahalasapati was very lucky in having Baba's constant company on every alternate night at the Dwarkamai .Both of them then kept as it were night vigil but mainly it was Baba who would be awake all night , not allowing Mahalasapati and Tatya to go to sleep by night . 

SAI's QUOTE -: " I AM THE BODY " is an illusion .

           LEELA OF SAI            The human character is decided on the basis of thought eruption . If we deeply introspect , we come to know that our individuality represents past remembrances , characters , dependents , routine , pleasures and worries , etc  .We are nothing but a collection of all these things which identify us as 'I ' . Where is'  I' ? What is 'I '? Where did this 'I' come from ? Which is 'l' ? Whom does the 'I ' belong to ? Further who is that Whom ? The answers for all these questions cannot be explained . However , through deep meditation ,we move from the 'I ' to the non 'I' state which is also nothing . What is the force that acts behind 'I ' to bring it into reality ? And what is the relationship between that force and 'I ' ? That force is called self or soul or Atman . Its meaning cannot be expressed physically unless we transform ourselves into that state and realise it .


                     LEELA OF SAI             In August ,1963 , Smt Ahalyabai ,a firm SAI devotee trod upon an iron nail and it bled, but she lift it unattended since there was no pain ,On 24th August she suffered from fever as the wound turned septic . Her sons requested her to take treatment from a Doctor ,but she did not agree . She thought that in proper time Baba would cure her , if he wished .            After this , Baba manifested in a vision as a stranger and promised to fetch medicine for her leg . He went inside a military depot in front of her house and got some medicine.He asked her to apply the medicine on the afflicted foot, which she did. Very soon the swelling abated and the pain decreased .         Next night she dreamed that a nurse came to her and gave her an injection .On the following night Baba appeared in her dream and told that a hole would be made in the affected part to drain out the pus so that the wound would heal . While she was


            LEELA OF SAI             Charity was very close to Baba's heart .All His life, all He possessed was given away in charity to His devotees . Thousands of rupees were given to Baba over His lifetime as DAKSHINA but Baba in turn gave away every penny to his devotees . When Baba passes away , it is said that despite having received a huge amount of money as DAKSHINA , only a meager amount Rs 16/- was found in His possession . Such was Baba's love for charity . And this charity was not through money alone as He also encourage the giving away of food as the best form of charity. So wonderful was Baba's love that when He decided to distribute food , He cooked with His own loving hands and fed all His devotees to their hearts content . Right from buying the ingredients ,to grinding , pounding , chopping and cooking .He did it all Himself . Then, the food cooked by Baba was consecrated by making an offering to God and finally served to His children . Knowing Baba&


               LEELA OF SAI                The uplifting power of Lord Dattatreya was working through the Fakir in SAI BABA from the very beginning but it acknowledgement come only in 1905-09 . Lord Dattatreya remains dorment and unintelligible to ignorant minds and manifests before only those who ardently and frantically search and apprehend his presence .BABA's command ,' you look to me and I shall look to you ,' is the ordaining of Shri Guru Geeta . Devotees come to understand that this is exactly the version of GURU GEETA phrase 'Dhyanamoolam Gurormurti ' . Dedication and surrender to Guru is the essence of Guru Upasana . Sai was exemplary disciple , who lived near the Samadhi of his Guru .He nurtured a garden of marigold and roses near it .He chose the dust pit behind his Guru's turbat for his own Samadhi .        We have explained how Sai made Buti Saheb erect a platform for Lord Krishna idol in the Mandir, which become his last repose aft


          LEELA OF SAI            A blind devotee went to Baba and prayed to Baba , " I have lost my eyesight , I don't feel it loss ; for want of eyesight keeps me away from many undesirable things ; all the same I am eager to see the human form in which you ,my lord , have manifested yourself . Please therefore grant me eyesight till I satiate my eyes y beholding your human form ; and you may withdraw this grant of eyesight so soon as that is done ." Baba at once granted this request ; he saw Baba with his own eyes and then he lost vision and became blind . A stark blind man was found singing in the tune of his cymbals before Baba , the one sacred formula "RAMKRISHNA HARI "            Whenever a common man meets a Saint , his purpose is to  secure material benefits or worldly gains through his divine power bn. There is very little understanding in men and women that the purpose of life is to the reach the abode of ananda by adopting proper lifes