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 CHANTS GANESH MANTRA for Fulfillment your desires .

          Lord Ganesh is the son of Lord Siva and Prabati . He is the God of knowledge and the remove of obstacles .. There are several mantras that can be chants to invoke Ganapati . The Ganesh mantras gives you positive results and removing all obstacles . The Ganesh mantras encourage righteousness and high-end . 

         Wisdom in those who chants it .' .OM GAN GANAPATAYE NAMAHA ' . If one facing problem with his social , family and financial . It can be made easier by chanting this mantras . This mantras is recited 108 times in the proper way to achieve peace, prosperity and SIDDHI of spiritual enlightenment , material fulfillment and strong social influence . You should always begin and kind of puja offering by chanting the Ganesh mantra first . 



        Ganapati BEEJ mantras is specially the BEEJ or the seed sonic vibration associated with Lord Ganapati-: GAN .It removes each and every enemy of the devotee life . 

      You looks this 'YANTRA OF GANESH ' at least 3 minutes daily for remove your financial problem . 


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