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Showing posts from July, 2020

SAI's QUOTE :- A divinity soil in India

A divinity soil in India The soil of Shirdi is very sacred and has unlimited divine power with in it . This divine power can be known to Saints and divine person alone . That is why Baba has chosen the village of Shirdi for establishing His spiritual mission . Baba's saying thus confirms the sacredness and sanctity of Shirdi . The other unique aspect of Shirdi us the presence of Shirdi Sai Baba's Samadhi . , Which adds more power to the original sanctity and sacredness of Shirdi . The Samadhi has got its own power to attract lakhs of people every day .            Now Shirdi witnesses the highest number of devotees , next to Thiupathi . In fact , Shirdi Sai Baba ruled an undeclared Kingdom of Shirdi when he was alive He had taken care of the welfare of the people of Shirdi in all respects . He repaired all the temples in Shirdi with the Dakshina money . He was the Chief medical practitioner of Shirdi and conducted tree medical camps in the Masjid every day . He served free meal

SAI's QUOTE :- Faith to Sai should strong .

Faith to Sai should strong .   Innumerable events during SAI ' s lifetime proved again and again that if a devotee was resolute in his faith , waiting with complete , undeterred patience for Baba's love to shine upon him . ...It always did shine . Incurable diseases were cured , those dying got a fresh lease of life ,and those that were shattered got their strength renewed ..The list is countless . And even today , when Sai is not present in the body , the miracles of   the twin virtues continue unabated . The SAI SATCHARITRA say's " As a devotee is resolute and determined , so is Baba's immediate response . Sometimes Baba puts the devotees to severe test ; and then gives them instructions " so lat us not get deluded by the test or their duration and hold our ground firm .        Yet there are times when our faith is strong but our prayers go unanswered - don't lose faith Baba knows what is best for us . If one door does not open , then maybe another door


       SAI WILL REMOVE YOUR FEAR                   Today, we do not have much faith in our family.  This problem is caused by everyone acting on their own volition.  There should be no difference at all in the faith of God.  All members of the family should respect the deity or guru who worships the head of the family.  The guardian of the House will improve the family if everyone has this attitude.  There is a deep love within the family.  In fact, there are many ways to God.  There are differences in thinking and thinking that can lead to problems.                           The father of a devotee, Bithal, was a worshiper as a God.  His son did not believe in  Bithal God.  After the death of his father, he stopped worshiping Bithal God  in the house.  The devotee name is Kshir Sagar.  When he came to Shirdi to visit Baba, Baba told him about the worship of his God Bithal, how much devotion your father worshiped, but it is not right to stop worshiping Bithal after his death.  Sai told

SAI's QUOTE :- Baba's action on spirituality

            Baba's action on                       spirituality       Baba's ardent devotee ,Shri Hemandpant ,has described Baba in his book "  SRI SAI SATCHARITA " as follows : In 1910 ,the first time , Hemadpant meet Sai at His Masjid in Shirdi . During that time  , Baba was grinding wheat after washing His face and mouth . He spread a sackcloth on the ground and placed the hand mill above that . He took some quantity of weate and put in it His pocket . He held the hand mill in his hand and began to grind the little quantity of weate .If we want to explain Baba's action spiritually , the top stone in the grinding mill is KARMA , BHAKTI  and JNANA YOGA : whereas the bottom stone is our worldly life , and the wheat represents our impurities .     Symbolically , Baba grounds our impurities in the hand Mill . When the people of Shirdi were aware about the incident , they started assembling in the Masjid . Then four ledies from the crowd came forward towards Baba and

SAI's QUOTE :- If you remember me ,I remember you

             If you remember me ,I remember you Though , Sai Baba acts outwardly like an ordinary man . His actions showed extraordinary wisdom and skill . Whatever He did ,was done for the good of his devotees . He never prescribed any As an , regulations if breathing or any Titus to His Bhaktas , nor did He blow any mantra into their ears . Sitting through fives fires , sacrifices , chanting , eight fold yoga are possible for the Brahmins only . They are no use to the other classes . The function of the mind is to think , it can't remain without thinking for a minute . If you give it a sense - object , it will think about it . If you give it Guru , it will think about Guru . You have heard most attentively the grandeur of Sai .This is the natural remembrance of Sai . Hearing the stories of the saints is not so difficult ,as the other Sadhanas .      


  SAI SATYA,SHIV,SUNDARAM                   We never thought that God was in everyone.  This feeling is only in the minds of the Sadguru.  Those who are always immersed in the consciousness of God are better than we are.  If we have deep faith in God, we will change our mind. His form is present in all of creation. It is not very easy to reach this state.  Very few go to understand his qualities.  He monitors all the activities of the Sadguru and is not afraid to take the exam.  The teacher tests the disciple but the disciple tests the teacher when he is in doubt.  The teacher gives the test with a smile.  The Guru's efforts to bring holiness to the hearts of devotees are incomparable.  Once the mind is cleansed, the devotee can see the form of the Guru within the Panchbhuta.                The devotee has to work hard to get this condition.  Devotees feel that God's position is everywhere ....  It took a long time for Sai Baba, a Shiva devotee named Megha, to be considered a S

SAI's QUOTE :- feed yourself after feed to the hungry

Sai Leela -: Feed yourself after Feed to the hungry    There is hunger in the world, as many animals as there are in it.  Whoever works hard and gets a handful of food, who can get a lot of food in less time.  There is a lot of work to be done to satisfy the hunger of the stomach.  No one is tempted to commit a sin of hunger.  Of all the donations in this society, food donations are the largest.  No matter how good a person is from birth, the greatest food donation is great.  Patients, the elderly, the disabled and the orphans should be fed.  That's the decent thing to do, and it should end there.  Shirdi's Saibaba was coming with food on his hungry face.  At that time, he had a very nice and delicious meal.  He often fed dogs, cats and animals.  Dad was satisfied with the little food.  He advised many devotees to eat less.  He fed the rest of the food to the beggars, begging for food all the time.  Sometimes he brought various dried food items from the market and cooked them h

SAI's QUOTE :- EGO ..EGO..EGO ... Try to avoid it .

EGO ..EGO..EGO ... Try to avoid it .                      Food, clothing and housing are needed to make a living.  We strive for a variety of well-being for the body.  We use a variety of materials about the body while beautifying our bodies.  At the same time, pride or ego is created for the body.  The mind is always anxious for a luxurious life.  What does the arrogant mind think after its completion?  Our bodies are filled with pride and ego ,  because of their beauty, luxury, money, knowledge and qualities.  But we are not trying to figure out where this body came from or what rights it should have.  As a result we are definitely responsible for various problems.                                   Sai Baba was approached by people who were arrogant about the body, and Baba used the various examples for them to remove the attraction of Maya to the body and keep it in the consciousness of God.  The body always chases after Maya.  Many devotees have a passion for the body even if they

SAI's QUOTE :- Who am I ?

LEELA OF SAI       SAIBABA was only his body -three cubits  and a half in length ,He incarnated Himself in this form , and if any devotee meditated on him , day and night , with complete self surrender , he experience complete union with Him , like sweetness and suger , Waves and sea , eye and it sight . He who wants to get rid of the cycle of Birth and deaths , should lead a righteous life with his mind clam and composed . He should not speak harshly to anyone , so as to hurt him .He should always engage himself in good action , should do his duties and surrender himself , heart and soul ,to Him . He need not then be afraid if anything . He , who trust him entirely , hears and expounds His Leela's and does not think anything else , is sure to attend self realisation . Baba asked many ro remember His name and to surrender to Him but to those , who wants to know , who they were ... Who am I . He advised Shravan and Manan . 

SAI 's QUOTE :- Practice ' SHRADDHA ' & 'SABURI '

   Practice ' SHRADDHA ' & 'SABURI ' The GURU PURNIMA of 1909 was the selected hour for this recognition and manifestation . Thus was the glorious period of Guru mahima of Baba . SAI's mission didn't end with his Mahasamadhi. It marked the expansion of his power , glory  and dynamic capacity . It was his entry into the universal plane to lead h is work more comprehensive and morethis conclusively .The festival of Guru Purnima started in Shirdi in 1909 and went on to become a regular feature . In fact the Guru lovers had assembled earlier n 1908 to have SAI's darshan and upadesh . In 1908 Baba made all Guru bhaktas worship the Pole against which he leaned in the Masjid . Next year onwards he allowed them to worship his feet .             Baba attempted to carve a true disciple out of Kashinath Upasani who was a learned pandit , poet , yogi and dhyani . He had contracted asthma due to some wrong yogic practices . He was an ayurvedic physician , who was res

SAI's QUOTE :-Save us .... Sadguru SAI

Save us .... Sadguru SAI In India, the Guru tradition has been around for a long time.  Many Sadguru incarnations have been born on this land.  The disciples take the teachings of the guru for the welfare of the world and work to reach the people with the words of the Guru.  The able-bodied Sadguru imparts various spiritual teachings to the disciples.  Sai Satcharitra Sai has not given a mantra to anyone.  Many came to him for mantra initiation, however   He has not given any mantra to anyone.  This is stated in the book.            A woman named Radhabai Deshmukh insisted on initiating the mantra from Sai Baba but Baba did not give her at all but was able to explain and satisfy her.        Megha was a devotee of Shiva and wanted to get a mantra from Sai but did not get it.  Megha influenced her mental level and improved her spirituality.             Sai  told  Moreshwar pradhan and Mrs. Khopade to chants ‘Rajaram’.                           Thus Shirdi's Sai traveled his life.  He

SAI's QUOTE :- Staying with the Guru brings peace of mind .

   Staying with the Guru brings peace of mind   We always run after worldly happiness.  Happiness also comes when happiness is found.  This world is made up of happiness and sorrow.  When happiness is short-lived, sadness comes to us.  Passengers coming from different directions to a particular city may have different routes, but passengers eventually arrive at a destination.  The differences between the two are due to differences in practice, but only after the arrival of the target.  Guru Theory: -                           It's a theory that's easy to get, but not for everyone.  The theory of the Guru is very difficult for those who are always involved in eating, drinking, sleeping and enjoying it, and those who only live sincerely in the way of God find the Guru at the right time.  They can see God as instructed by the Guru.  In this world, two people have no interest.  One is God and the other is Guru.                         Guru and disciple traditions have existed since