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SAI' s QUOTE -:Only Sai can understand the heart of a devotee.

Sai Leela - Only Sai can understand the heart of a devotee.                 We need food, clothing and a home to live our daily lives.  When these three are fulfilled, man spends time on other tasks. A change in lifestyle is tied to the grain. Instead of talking nonsense to others, there is a lot of peace of mind when talking about things that are beneficial.  Compassion for the creature brings a lot of virtue.  It is the great religion of mankind to do good to others. God benefits others by doing good to others.  "It simply came to our notice then.                     Many devotees used to go to see Baba.  He could understand the minds of all the devotees.  The person who came up with the idea was reading the mind and answering and meeting the expectations. A friend of a devotee coming to Shirdi sent some bananas to Baba.  When Dad gave the banana, he said that if Baba ate the banana, he would go and get food.  Otherwise don't eat anything.  When Baba had eaten the banana, he


Sai Leela -: Shirdi Majhi Pandharpur, Sai Baba Ramabar.                       In Pandharpur, there is Bithal Bhagwan.  Bithala also describes Shiridi's Sainath as a god.  He is not a very ordinary devotee.  He is the slave king.  Shirdi Majhi in his Aarti song ........... Baba Ramabar is available to watch.  Once, while sitting next to Baba, Dasgun said, "Baba, I want to bathe in the Ganges."  Baba said, "Why go so far?"  Gangat is at my feet.  You don't go there.  The slaves were not happy or satisfied with this.  Seeing Baba Ganu's feelings, Baba performed a miracle there.  The Ganges flowed from its Sricharan.  At the foot of the sanctuary, Ganu was amazed to see the water of the holy Ganges.  Some water particles sprinkled on his head.                     From this we should understand that the Sai Maharaja was full of all art.  There are three main types of art that we see in God.  The three natural powers of Sai Baba were involved in cr


               Sai Leela -: Stay at home and remember my appearance.  The most powerful Sai devotees were rescued during the crisis.  R.  B. Purandhar named A devotee was a railway employee who decided to go to Shirdi and wrote a leave application to the higher authorities.  Suddenly, on the eve of his departure, train workers were on strike.  His superiors informed him - it would not be right for you to go on vacation in such a situation.  Stop traveling.  Hearing this, he persevered in his decision.  Arriving home, he arranged for Shirdi to leave.  That night, Sai Babu appeared to him in a dream and said, "You don't come to Shirdi. Why are you coming to Shirdi often?"  Hearing this in a dream, he stopped going to Shirdi.  The next day he went to the office.  Due to his presence, the railway workers' strike was called off.        A month later, the present judge applied for leave.  Vacationing for Shirdi.  When he went to Shirdi and approached Baba,


Sai Leela                During Sai Maharaja Shirdi's stay, many people came to Sai for help.  He did not return it to anyone.  Once a poor Brahmin approached Sai and prayed for help.  Baba looked at him for a while and brought a pocket from a corner of the mosque and handed it over to the Brahmins.  That pocket had some meat.  Dad handed it to her and said she would take it with her and open it at home;  Nowhere else.  When Pocket  got the Brahmins, he became angry with his Baba.  He took the pocket  near the canal on the edge of the village and saw that it had meat.  He threw the meat away, washed the cloth, and returned home.  When he got home and hung up on the cloth, one of the gold pieces fell to the ground.  Seeing that, he was very sad.  I went to such a great saint, who also heard my plea and donated.  Yet what I looked like in my anger was not meat.  He was remorseful.  Such skepticism was due to skepticism about the word of the saints.             Sadguru s


Sai Leela             If you want to do something good, you have to do it right away.  Some atheists or evildoers refuse to do what is right.  It is important to stay away from such characters and make decisions based on your own intellect and conscience, regardless of what you say.  Baba always helped those who had good ideas.  Baba was always thankful for the help of the devotee on how to do that regularly.  Hemadpantha ruled that Rama would meditate, remember, and chant the name of Rama every Thursday morning.  It was at this point that Sai Baba realized the anxiety that had arisen within Hemadpantha.  At that moment, Hemadpanth saw a singer in the open courtyard in front of Sai Baba holding a tambourine in his hand and singing the praises of Lord Rama.  Seeing this, his courage to do divine work was doubled.  He thought my father was helping me when he heard that.                It is not easy to follow the Guru's path.  But if the spirit is strong enough to


Sai Leela -: Malik Sai, the possessor of supernatural powers.                     Many people in Shirdi looked at Mr. Sai as a mad fakir.  Sai was a storehouse of supernatural powers.  Baba used to bring oil from Shirdi's shopkeepers every day to light lamps in the mosque.  Shopkeepers were sometimes annoyed by the constant demand for oil.  Suddenly, all the shopkeepers decided not to give Sai any more oil.  When Baba went to ask for oil, the shopkeepers did not give him any oil.  Baba quietly came and filled the lamps with water in the mosque and lit the lamp all night.  All the shopkeepers hid the scene of the lamp burning.  Everyone understood that this crazy fakir was not normal.  Everyone could see that he had supernatural powers.  The miracle spread to every corner of Maharashtra, not just Shirdi.  Upon hearing this wonderful news, many gathered in Shirdi.  All of Shirdi's shopkeepers never stopped giving oil after the incident.                         Toda


LEELA OF SAI    The heart is a place where only God or Guru can sit.  You should beg to be seated in a narrow space in the heart.  It may take a long time.  The mind should be engaged in continuous Guru service without losing patience.  The benefits of selfless service are far greater than those of selfless service.  Among the hundreds of servants, the hand counting places some servants in the heart of God or Guru.  Of these, the devotion of a single devotee is greater than the other.  If the Guru or God resides in the heart, it is He who opens the storehouse of the welfare of the devotee.  Devotees walk through the welfare store for the benefit of the world.  To the devotee, the owner of this Asaranti store is Guru.  Sin is slowly disappearing.  The devotee needs the greatest devotion to sit in the heart of the Guru.  He who can make the surrender is the possessor of grace.  The devotee uses his daily routine in devotion to the Guru to bring a sense of devotion.  He also give


LEELA OF SAI :                     If you are interested in chanting name of God , there is no problem with chants.  There is no rule that everyone can take the name of God or Guru.  Children, men, the elderly, etc. can all chant and the name can be chanted at all times, at all times, in all circumstances.  If you don't mind, you don't have to.  If the nomination continues for a while, the mind will slowly fade.  It is better to chant the name there if the time of death is understood.  The effect of God's name on them is that they are saved.  It will be good for a person to chant the name at the end.  Day and night, eating, drinking, waking up and walking, one should remember the name of God or the name of the Guru. Only the Guru is worshiped as Hari, Har and Brahma.  The Guru has the power that the three gods have.  The Guru is the God, and this consciousness must always be there. The difference is only with the atheists.  It is Pandarpur Bithoba who lives in Shir


Sai Leela -: Worship the Guru in concentrated mind.  God has given man so much power and conscience that he can serve all living things, his family and the welfare of the world, give peace to all, be worshiped by all, and make God his servant.  But we can't do that.  Let him be subject to lust and fall into the cycle of birth and death himself and go to various hells.  This body needs divine theories.  It is necessary to follow the Guru's advice to know God.  Being deceived by lies, hypocrisy, injustice, deception, etc. means going down.  Patience in the faith of God is the measure of patience.  If we lose it, we will have a lot of problems.  Let yourself be trapped in an insecure net.  Guru Ardhana does not mind.  At any given time, we will not lose patience and be vigilant to face the difficult times of worshiping the Guru.       Many people came to Shirdi with the grace of the Sai owner to get rid of various problems.  A man named Panth came to Shirdi with his


Sai Leela   "Every day we talk about different things. We can understand how much time we have spent in unnecessary conversations."  It is not right to waste such time.  We should take some time to take God's name.  It is best to spend some time in the morning from night to night.  In this Kali Yuga, the name of God or Sadguru should be taken for a while because chanting the name at this time will solve all the problems.  The name is always suitable for chanting.  The name cannot be chanted while sleeping alone.  At other times, if you chant, you will only be able to reap the rewards.  Everyone should be concerned about getting as much chanting as possible.  It is true that if Sai 'Sai' is chanted, Sai will be with us.     While Baba is in Shirdi, plagiarism occurs in Shirdi.  In 1911, Baba had seven large blisters on his body.  Many devotees saw the photo on Baba's body.  Asked by everyone, Sai said the plague was spreading in Shirdi and that on


      LEELA OF SAI              Though ,Said Baba looked like a man , three cubits and a half in length , still He dwelt in the hearts of all . Inwardly , He was unattached and indifferent but outwardly ,He longed for mass welfare . Though , inwardly ,an abode peace ,,He looked outwardly restless . Inwardly , He had the state of Brahma , outwardly he seemed engrossed in the world. Some times He looked on all with affection and at times He threw stones at them ; some times He scolded them , while at times He embraced them and was calm , composed ,  tolerant and well -balanced . He always abided and was engrossed in the Self , and was well -disposed towards His Bhaktas .He always sat on one Asan and never travelled . His ' satka ' was a small stick , which always carried in His hand . He was calm and thought - free ..He never cared for wealth and fame , and lived on alms . Such a life He led . He always uttered " Allah Malik " . Entire and unbroken was His love f


       LEELA OF SAI              AS we know , Baba sojourn in Shirdi lasted from 1858 to 1918 . Sixty years is a long period for recognition of a saint with omnipotent powers and yogic siddhis such as his .An ordinary man retires at this stage ! It was Nana and Ganu who spread Baba's glory to distance areas by their efforts . In 1904 and subsequent period , devotees like Sathe , Radhakrishna , Dixit , Bhishma , Kushbhau , Upasani Maharaj carried his Guru mahima to religious people all over India and world . The illumination of Baba's Guruhood was recognize in 1909 and people came from distance places and thronged around Baba. Shirdi became a place of pilgrimage for all types of devotees , whether needy , desirous of earning fortune , indisposed ,or the higher type of bhaktas pining for atmic uplift .         However , these last year from 1909 to 1918 were Baba ripe old age , when he was physically weak due to wear and tear of mundane existence . Baba therefore


          LEELA OF SAI             SAIBABA is always full of mercy . What is wanted on our part ,is whole-hearted devotion to him . When a devotee has got firm faith and devotion , his wishes are soon fulfilled . When the desire arose in the mind of Hemadpant to write the life and Leela's of Saibaba .He immediately got it written by him . When the order 'to keep the memos ' was given , Hemadpant was inspired and his intellect got strength and boldness to undertake and finish the work . He was not as he says , qualified to write the work but the gracious blessing of Baba enabled him to complete the undertaking and thus , you have this Satcharitra , which is a cistern , or a Somakant Jewel , from which nectar ,in the form of Sai Leela's , oozes out for the readers to drink to their hearts content .                Whenever ,a devotee had complete and whole-hearted devotion to Sai Baba . all his calamities and dengers were warded off and his welfare attended


     LEELA OF SAI        A servant drawing a monthly salary of Rs .36/- named Bhikaji Mahedji had a sister Chhaboo , she had been ill for about 4 months .On December 5 of 1951 her illness took a critical turn ,so he was very anxious to get for her the benefit of a good doctor's advice and medicine , but within the meagre salary he was drawing , it was not at all possible for him to get these . Having sights upon signs , bemoaning his lot , he carried on his office duties chanting Sai Baba's name , when suddenly there came in a doctor for some inquiry . Though Bhikha could not recognize him , though She's grace the doctor himself reminded Bhikha of his previous connection with him .              So Bhikha narrated to him the difficulty he was beset with in the matter of his sister's illness and requested him to examine her and prescribed the necessary medicine . The doctor readily complied with Bhikha's request ; Bhikha thus got over his worries and fe


        LEELA OF SAI                    Rao Saheb H.V. Sathe's father- in -law Kelkar had purchased for Shri Sathe a piece of land ,, as measuring 20 Acres ,in Shirdi , When Shri Sathe happened to come to Shirdi thereafter ,he purposed to Mr. Kelkar that the latter should accompany him and show him the said land . He also asked his wife to go with him to see that land and she consented to do so without consulting her father , Kelkar however didn't approve of the idea of accompanying Shrimp Sathe for the reason that he had in his house at the time a widow of Sathe's deceased brother and he feared that if she came to know of that purchase , She might demand a portion of the land as her share .         Kelkar therefore declined to accompany Shri Sathe ' so Sathe asked his wife to go with him but on the advice of her father she also now refused to do so. This irritated Shri Sathe so much the taking a whip from his coachman he was just on the point of starting w


    LEELA OF SAI               BABA has unerringly told that Shirdi is the place where the puranic Dwaraka of Shri Krishna existed . The present Dwarka in Saurashtra is a later creating by the Lord on the behest of saints , sages , rishis and munis . Sai Baba says that Shirdi is Dwarka ; Dwarkavati is inherent of a deeper mythical, cultural and historical truth , Baba through his mystic insight into the past , knows that the real ancient puranic Dwarka existed in the area surrounding the place where present Shirdi is situated . It is said that the original Dwarka was submerged in the sea by Lord Krishna on the eve of onset Kali Yuga .                              The Ksheersagar existed in Maharashtra , Karnataka and Telangana area of Southern India . Such district of Maharashtra as Ahmednager , Satara , Sholapur , etc have the evidence of this sea being churned by the Gods and demons to get amrita as well as the gems . The name Dwarkavati or Dwarasamudra seems to be deriv


        LEELA OF SAI            It is recorded in the holy book SAI SATCHARITRA that Sai Baba once told of his own experience if an inverted exercise conducted by his Guru . He relates how as a young man he and three friends were discussing how to attain God -realization while wandering in the forest . His Guru came along and said that he himself would show Sai Baba that for which he was seeking , namely an experience of God .            Saibaba said : Then he took me to a well , tied my feet with a rope and hug me -head downwards and feet up - from a tree near the well .I was suspended three feet above water , which I could not reach with my hands , nor which could go into my mouth . Suspending me in this manner he went away , no one knew where . After 4 or 5 hours ,he returned and taking me out quickly asked me how I feared . " In bliss supreme , I was . How can a fool like me describe the joy I experienced ? " I replied Hearing my answer my Guru was much pleas