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Sai Leela -: Malik Sai, the possessor of supernatural powers.

                    Many people in Shirdi looked at Mr. Sai as a mad fakir.  Sai was a storehouse of supernatural powers.  Baba used to bring oil from Shirdi's shopkeepers every day to light lamps in the mosque.  Shopkeepers were sometimes annoyed by the constant demand for oil.  Suddenly, all the shopkeepers decided not to give Sai any more oil.  When Baba went to ask for oil, the shopkeepers did not give him any oil.  Baba quietly came and filled the lamps with water in the mosque and lit the lamp all night.  All the shopkeepers hid the scene of the lamp burning.  Everyone understood that this crazy fakir was not normal.  Everyone could see that he had supernatural powers.  The miracle spread to every corner of Maharashtra, not just Shirdi.  Upon hearing this wonderful news, many gathered in Shirdi.  All of Shirdi's shopkeepers never stopped giving oil after the incident.


                   Today, the descendants of those who gave a small amount of oil have now become the owners of crores of rupees by trading in shirdi soil.  Family who has a photo and statue of SAI , they have burned  lamp for her so that family adversity, pain, sorrow, and there is never lack money comes in future .  Even she is also in great danger Off.  A healthy atmosphere is created in the house. So it is very important to light a lamp in his worship.



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