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SAI's QUOTE:- Guru Bhakti and Guru Seva

Sai's Leela:- Guru Bhakti and Guru Seva We live in an age where three parts are false and some are true.  You have to live a life of crime, lies, thieves, hatred and discrimination.  When all of this devours itself, there is fear in the heart.  That is why the mind is drawn to the God who created it.  When we worship or worship various deities, our minds are in a state of fear.  If we reach out to the Sadguru because of someone's good command, we can get rid of the fear of the mind and body.  This Guru tradition has existed since the creation.  It is difficult to find the right teacher in this age.  During the Kali Yuga, many Sadguru were born in India, one of which was Shirdi's Saibaba.  He was born as an incarnation for the betterment of all races, all human beings, and all diseases.     Guru Bhakti                      One should be aware that God and Guru are one.  The difference is that life does not improve.                      The Guru is always able to show you all

SAI 's QUOTE :- Only Sai can understand the heart of a devotee.

Sai Leela -: Only Sai can understand the heart of a devotee.   We need food, clothing and a home to live our daily lives.  When these three are fulfilled, man spends time on other tasks.  It is better to think for the better, for the sake of mercy, for the good of the rest of one's life. God is pleased with it.  A change in lifestyle is tied to the grain. Instead of talking nonsense to others, there is a lot of peace of mind when talking about things that are beneficial.  There is a lot of good in being kind to a creature.  Doing good to others is the greatest duty of mankind.  "It simply came to our notice then.  Many devotees used to go to see Baba.  He could understand the minds of all the devotees.  The person who came up with the idea was reading the mind and answering and meeting the expectations.     A friend of a devotee coming to Shirdi sent some bananas to Baba.  When Baba gave the banana, he said that if Baba ate the banana, he would go and get food.  Otherwise you

SAI's QUOTE :- Only Sai can do everything.

Sai Leela - Only Sai can do everything.   Sai Maharaja is not our servant but we are his servant.  "It simply came to our notice then.  In the classical sense, God and Guru have always served as devotees to devotees.  If the devotee has a deep devotion and faith in God, all the gods and goddesses of the kingdom also become slaves.  Devotees repeatedly pass the test to pass the test near the Guru.  After one test, the confidence becomes stronger.  The Guru or Lord repeatedly takes the test to the devotee.  Just to keep the faith strong .. The Guru tests a lot to keep the devotion and faith of the devotee unstable.  Slave means servant.  The Guru or Lord acts as a servant to the devotee who has strong faith and devotion to the Guru.  The Guru does all the work for the disciples.      A man named Hansraj suffers from asthma.  He had been out for several days, but had no children.  He was very upset about this.  In Nasik, Narasimha approached the Maharaja and expressed his condolences

SAI's QUOTE :- Believe in yourself.

Sai Leela - Believe in yourself.   While still listening to Sreesanth Baba, various questions come to mind.  The Guru was born as  human.  How wonderful he was.  Seeing the difference between God and the Guru raises various questions to the mind.  That too is solved by the Guru.  Various thoughts arise in the mind before the Guru is caught.  When the time comes, the guru  takes the disciple by answering various questions that arise in his mind. The way the guru answers is different.  Devotees do not understand easily.     A doctor of Bombay  named D.M Mulki had been bedridden for a long time.  His friends advised him to go to Shirdi. The doctor thought he would go to Shirdi.  "She was released this morning; she's talked to her father and she's fine.  In time, he recovered and went to Shirdi.  As he was leaving the Manamad station to go to Shirdi, the officer who was selling tickets at the station told him that he had decided to return home without going to Shirdi.  .  When


SAI LEELA -: NISHTHA AND SABURI ARE QUALIFICATIONS FOR MY BLESSING .             A Sadguru such as SAI BABA has million of devotees flocking to his holy feet . They have a heart to heart bond with their Baba just like the flowers have a bond with the mango tree . These devotees with all their faith run to Baba in times of need . But when devotion is merely need-based , it cannot be called true devotion .If faith is conditional ,it is not faith at all . When our prayers are not accompanied by love and complete , absolute trust in his holy feet . They are not prayers but selfish desires .And selfish desires obviously go unanswered because they are not from the heart and so fail to reach Baba's hearts . So, when we pray to Baba but cannot connect with Him in that prayer , the bond breaks and the devotees - just like the flowers - break away from the tree called Baba , and fall down .                   We must also remember here , Baba's dictum , " test will always be there .

SAI's QUOTE :- Save the life by reading "Vishnu Sahasra Naam"

|| Save the life by reading "Vishnu Sahasra Naam" ||   During our stay in Shirdi, Sai, Shirdi, we know that Shama is a very intimate devotee of Sai.  Sai Baba once wanted to give him the book 'Vishnu Sahasra Naam' as a palace.  A Ramdasi Shirdi came and during that stay chanted the name of the spiritual Ramayana and Vishnu Sahasra every morning.  He went to the place where he was studying and said that he had a lot of pain in his stomach.  My pain will not go away until I have consumed gold.  Hearing this, Ramdasi went to the market.  At that time, Baba Vishnu brought the book Thousand Names and gave it to Shama and said - This book gives invaluable and mind-boggling results.  Read this book daily.  Once I was very ill and my heart was pounding.  I had this book in my chest at the time I wanted to die.        That is why I have given you this sacred and priceless book.  Will read this book regularly.  Today, infectious diseases are spreading in every corner of the glo

SAI's QUOTE :- It is better to refrain from Maya.

Sai Leela -: It is better to refrain from Maya.   The current situation is the most difficult.  There is an atmosphere of fear in the world.  Everyone is running to save their lives.  The faith of God has not yet grown.  Our patience is being tested.  When the sailors are sailing in the deep sea, everyone sits happily and wonders how to land on the shore.  If the wind suddenly blows hard, then your own safety comes to mind.  At that moment, everyone tells the sailor to push the nave to the shore ... but with the sailor's patience and trust, all the passengers can reach the shore safely.  Today we are surrounded by Maya.  Our arrogance grows as a result of the urgent plea to God before the work begins and the urge to do so after the work is done.  Maya is responsible for this.  Falling in love increases the importance of ‘I’.  We all give up on Maya.  Now money and does not work is a power behind the Maya of pride.        In three eras, Maya has been expanding, and has been expandin

SAI"s QUOTE :- Save .... Save ..

Sai Leela -: Save .... Save ..   Strange things are written in Sai Sattarita.  The grief of those who read it and those who hear it will perish.  He who is unlucky cannot hear.  Share Sai Baba's story with others.  Happiness is happiness.  Get rid of the "I" and "my" feelings when they come to you.  Excessive attention to these two words can lead to annoyance and arrogance.  It is better not to have love for yourself.  Sometimes we fall in love and make mistakes.  Getting rid of Maya is not easy.  It is true that the service of the Sadguru will liberate Maya.  Always begging at his feet to free me from Maya and give you the strength to walk your path.  Don't worry about what you get from this world.  Even when you think of your donation as a gift of love and affection, Maya gradually disappears.      On March 11, 1915, Santaram Nachne and some of his friends were traveling in an ox cart.  As the ox cart was passing through the forest, the oxen suddenly stopp

SAI's QUOTE :- Sai Baba is my Lord Krishna.

Sai Leela -: Sai Baba is my Lord Krishna.   The Guru also sometimes discriminates between us.  The character that gives the guru some time in the day-to-day work first creates a sense of discrimination, and then it gradually disappears from the mental level.  It is understood.  The difference should not be made with the Guru at all.  The rich, the poor, the thieves, the saints, the sick, the afflicted, the king, and the beggars are all equal.  Pride remained in the attitude of the servant of the guru of that through many examples I had tried to destroy information.  You and I should never be discriminated against.  No one has the breath to measure the power of the Guru.  Sai Baba has adopted many devotees in Shirdi as devotees.  Sai has a very nice presentation in Sattarita.        Mrs. Radhakrishnamai's real name was Mrs. Sundari Bai Kshirsagar.  Child marriage was prevalent at the time.  He got married at a very young age.  Her husband died a few days later.  To alleviate this gr

SAI's QUOTE :- I can relieve your frustration by your dream.

Sai Leela -: I can relieve your frustration by your dream.   Devotees who worship Sai in their daily life journey are sometimes very frustrated.  The cloud of despair engulfs the mind in such a way that its worship is also disrupted.  However, Sai is fully aware of all this.  But the devotee is in a state of confusion.  Sai doesn't listen to her, as she always thinks.  What can I do ??? Sai owner solves all the problems and fills the minds of the devotees with joy.    Countless devotees gathered at Baba's body or after his death.  A devotee named Ganesh Vaid was desperate to find a bride for his daughter's wedding.  He was talking to a groom's family, but they were not getting married.  Ganesha was devastated.  In the end, Sai Baba took refuge.  One night he begged Baba anxiously.  That night he saw Baba in a dream.  In the dream, Sai told her, "Why are you so worried about the girl's outing when I'm here?"  You will marry your daughter to Keshab Dixit

SAI's QUOTE :- Just remember me and see how happy your journey will be.

Sai Leela - Just remember me and see how happy your journey will be.   Every day we all travel, maybe near or far.  In working life, you have to travel by car, train, bus, or your own vehicle. Travel does not always bring happiness.  Too late there is no reason.  Great dangers like black clouds in the sky appear only on the road.  The road is dangerous for a long time, but the road is the only one that can be trusted.  The journey of a believer is always a happy one.  The journey of a traveler who relies on the Sadguru is always auspicious.  No accidents were reported.       Once upon a time, Ganapat Dhandakadam was traveling on a train with his family when he was attacked by robbers.  He and all his family members were terrified.  When the robbers came to attack him, they chanted Sai's hymns.  The robbers, who were attempting to rob him, approached him, but fled.  He was seen jumping off a train. It was as if someone was pushing them out of a train wreck.  As the robbers fled, he

SAI's QUOTE :- Many will come to this Shirdi, believe me.

Sai Leela - Many will come to this Shirdi, believe me.   Due to Fakir Sai's presence in Shirdi, the number of people increased daily.  Although transportation was not available at the time, many people from home and abroad came to visit him.  The journey was very difficult at that time.  Many devotees came to Baba from afar even though there were problems with food on the way, theft, rivers, etc.  They were convinced that Sai would solve all the problems along the way.  Baba also looks forward to seeing them coming, as well as adding all the amenities.    In 1906, Baba informed some devotees and villagers that Shirdi's fame had spread far and wide.  At that time, Baba told them that many large buildings would be built in the village of Shirdi.  The road will be full of lights, and there will be no day and night.  Very big people will come.  Shirdi will tremble in the fireworks.  People will have little space to park their horses.  Many devotees will take part in the procession.

SAI's QUOTE :- Sabka Malik Ek Hai.

Sai Leela - Sabka Malik Ek Hai.   Saibaba's fame spread day by day from Kashmir to Kanyakumari in India.  His court was always open to people of any race.  He was rich, poor, high, low, caste, patient, and so on.  He was the living God of all.  He was able to make his own by talking sweetly to all the devotees within bizarre principles and ideals.      Like Saint Kabir, Baba was a Muslim for Hindus and a Hindu for Muslims.  Before his burial, many Hindus and Muslims came to him.  Even very large Muslim women saw him and returned home with blessings.  There was no discrimination in Shirdi, and its specimen is found in Shirdi, a sacred land.  On the 10th day before his death, Baba angrily removed all the clothes from his body and said, "Look, I am a Hindu or a Muslim."  He always looked up and raised his hand and said, 'Sabka malik ek hai'.  This means that God is one in all religions in the world.    

SAI's QUOTE :- Instead of condemning others, try to save yourself.

Sai Leela - Instead of condemning others, try to save yourself.   In our daily lives, we spend a lot of time in talking.  When the time comes, we do not hesitate to criticize others.  Let us forget our restraint to make harsh criticism to others.  The tongue is used to criticize gods, goddesses, or any guru.    Once in Shirdi, Kakasaheb and some devotees were suddenly overwhelmed by criticism.  They also criticized Jesus Christ. Kakasaheb also criticized Jesus.  When he approached her, he did not look at her.  He was devastated by Baba's behavior.  Realizing his mistake, he fell at his feet and apologized. Baba saw him and said, "Dad, instead of criticizing other religious teachers, invest time in your liberation. Great men should not be despised. Your bad attitude towards them will not improve your soul."  It is not right to condemn another religion by holding one's own religion.  Slandering others' religion can lead to many sins.  It is difficult to get rid of t

SAI's QUOTE -: Your test results will be better by taking Udi.

Sai Leela -: Your test results will be better by taking Udi .   Baba chose Shirdi as a leela land.  He stayed there, giving the ashes of the smoke to the devotees as 'Udi', destroying the heat of their sins.  The day of the devotee was very well spent as a result of bathing on the forehead and drinking water mixed with udi.  He left the body but left it for our benefit.  From that smoke, devotees still go to Shirdi today as Udi Mahaprasad.  Consumption of his udder in devotion has destroyed many terrible diseases.  Putting it on his forehead does not bring the energy to the devotees.  Udi's miracles are great, and those who have used them in mourning have benefited.    At Shirdi Primary School, there was a headmaster named Daji Baman Chidambaram.  Shirdi's children were studying at the school.  "She is OK.  "Children will not do well in exams this year," he told his uncle.  If children do not do well in exams, their reputation will be tarnished.  The chil

SAI's QUOTE :- Only Sai can do everything.

Sai Leela - Only Sai can do everything.  Sai  Maharaja is not our slave but we are his slave.  "It simply came to our notice then.  In the classical sense, God and Guru have always served as devotees to devotees.  If the devotee has a deep devotion and faith in God, all the gods and goddesses of the kingdom also become slaves.  Devotees often pass the test to pass the test near the Guru.  After one test, the faith becomes stronger.  The Guru or God repeatedly takes the test to the devotee.  Just to keep the faith strong .. The Guru tests a lot to keep the devotion and faith of the devotee unstable.  Slave means servant.  The Guru or Lord acts as a servant to the devotee who has strong faith and devotion to the Guru.  The Guru does all the deeds for the disciples.  A man named Hansraj suffers from asthma.  He had been out for several days, but had no children.  He was very upset about this.  In Nasik, Narasimha approached the Maharaja and expressed his condolences.  "Hurry up

SAI's QUOTE :- Guru is God, God is Guru

Guru is God, God is Guru                   We do not understand the presence of God at all times, in all places and at all times.  When such a time comes, then we can understand the presence of God.  God, there is a distance between us.  A good guide is needed to follow this path.  He is the teacher.  That's why he was created.  He can bring us to God.                If you give a book to read  to a young child, he or she will recognize the word and say it, but it will take a long time to read the sentence correctly.  Little children need to learn the letters first, and then learn the words.  In the same way, the Guru will help us to know something about God.  Devotees learn a lot from the Guru.  Such a consciousness is created in the devotee who sees that the Guru is God, and God is the Guru.  The Guru should be worshiped as a god.