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Sai's leela ; SAI SAI SAI



The simple remembrance of my name as 'SA' 'SAI ' 'SAI ' will reduce all the sins of speech and hearing. Baba showed the importance Of praising the Lord by chanting His name day and night, called 'NAAMSAPTHA. ' He continuously recited God's name even during the night. Once, He was explaining this fact to his devotee, Kakasahab Dixit; "when I go to sleep, I often ask Mahalaspati to place his hand on my heart and listen to the chanting of Lord's name. Further, I would tell him to wake Me up if I go to sleep. However, Mahalsapati could not do either of these two as he fell asleep. Whenever I feel his hand as heavy as stone, I wake him up by calling 'Oh Bhagat. '


WHEN SAI permitted holding the annual RAMNAVAMI Fair, the water problem was the stiffest for a solution. So when the management committee requested Baba to help them in the matter, He asked them to take away, after He had finished His meals, the leaf -dish used by Him for His meals and throw the same in the dried-up well. So soon as that was done, water streamed into the well. Since that day, this well has been servings the needs of the people of Shirdi.






Sri Dasganu Maharaj, the author in the best literary tradition, invokes Lord Ganesh before embarking on the work. Mayureshwara is not referring to Mayuravahana (subrahmanya) but indicating the symbol of wisdom -'pea-cock '. Hey Gowrikumara! That, the witness of every happening. You are incomprehensible. O great bellied Lord! It would be best if you were saluted first ...



Baba accepted the role of Universal Guru, reforming the mind, intellect, and lifestyle of humanity in 1909. He shines as Guru supreme. He gave no mantra or initiation. He saw into the karmas of men and women, tried to correct their contaminated souls by direct grace, and endeavored to join them to the path of perfection, leading themselves to the status of 


 BABA knew that a mere mantra could not change a heart. There should be total purification and sublimation of individuals at all levels (body, mind, buddhi ego, and Atma ). This change he could bring with the magic of his touch or alchemy of his divine grace. 

Big crowds of devotees thronged around Shirdi from 1910 to 1918, and Shirdi became a place of universal pilgrimage after Baba's Mahasamadhi. However, the person who approached him could intake his grace and transform themselves to the extent of the faith, allegiance, and sincerity they brought with them.


      The virtues, purity, holiness, dedication, and will to adapt according to Baba's dictates were the main criteria to receive Baba's grace. It was abundant to those who deserved.

After Mahalaspathi and Shyama, a third disciple -cum- devotee appeared on the scene of Dwarkamai. He was a Muslim youth of nineteen years. There were no Muslim followers worth the name before this. This man came from the Marathwada town of Nanded, where his Guru Amruddin Fakir lived. Baba gave a vivid vision to this Fakir and told him to send his disciple to Shirdi. 

Baba invites Abdulla and, accordingly, to latter appeared in Shirdi at the command of his Guru. Baba welcome Abdulla by calling him, 'My crow has come ' He was a sweeper, server of the Masjid, a HALALKHOR who fetched and stored drinking water in the Dwarakmai. He followed him Muslim rituals and mixed among the Hindu devotees most amicably. He earned love from all and grace from SAI. 

He was allowed to record and preserve words of wisdom and upadesh coming out of SAI lips. He outlived Baba and fulfilled his life mission as a genuine follower of SAIBABA. Baba made him see the 'sun and moon in his own body .' He was a great addition to the SAI family in 1890. 

 " The whole world is fraught with fear -death, disease, despair, grief, and so on. Where there are two, there is fear because one limits the other. Only in nonduality is there no fear. When an aspirant attains Brahman, he becomes fearless ." 


 SAI..... SAI...... SAI....

sai baba quotes


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