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sai baba udi - The best miracle drug of Sai : SAISAISAI

sai baba udi

sai baba udi 

                   The ashes show that the material life of lusts and lures is transitory, illusory, and momentary. For those who follow higher spiritual values, the ashes are pointers to immortal life's divine music beyond physical death. Ashes were sacred, auspicious, protective, a token of divine compassion and ambrosial grace of God. 'Anoint that mundane existence on this planet of earth. There is a celestial light behind the Sansar. The ashes open the door to the gateway to the life of immortality. The ashes are the bond of love the master of Dwarkamai(Sai baba) with his devout followers .' Sai udi ' has brought home this point most effectively.

                  The magical experiences of the grace inherent in ashes are already stored in the devotees, and hence, we will not enumerate such grate illustrations. After dwelling upon the main features of baba's life (beyond 1870) within the precincts of the Dwarkamai, we will finish this first half of baba's Charitra. This first half of baba's life was not visible from 1835 to 1858; it became dimly visible after 1870. The author's effort is to throw the spotlight on this unknown or partially known life of the Shirdi saint. The devotees were vouchsafed a vision of Shiva, Vishnu, Devi, Rama, and Krishna by baba during these years to cater to their faith and consolidate their belief in the devotional endeavor. But who was sai baba? He was the multi-formed Guru.

sai baba ki udi

                   When Saibaba first come to Shirdi, he stayed with a Muslim man called Amanbhai, who gave him food, according to a retired revenue officer named Raghuji Patel. The story was remembered and passed down through his family because, though Amanbhai, a young relative who was very sick at the time, was cured by a young Sai Baba, who came to the house and administrated cobra poison to him as medicine. This was in the early years before he relied on UDI ash as a curative. It is unlikely that Amanbhai, a Muslim, would invite a non-Muslim to his home and give him food. According to the biographers, when Sai Baba returned to Shirdi, he lived for some four or five years under a New(Margosa) tree. 

                        For the first few years, it is recorded that Sai Baba also wandered around and lived for long periods in the jungle in Shirdi's environs. 


               The Leela's of dear Sai is unfathomable. The deeper a devotee delves, the more intensely does he get soaked in his divine love. Saibaba took Samadhi on 15th October 1918 and left His mortal coil. His Bhaktas could no longer touch him or see His physical form and were extremely sad by Baba passing away. But the kind and merciful Baba, as a sign of His remembrance, left for his Bhaktas the precious and sacred ' UDI.' It was also known commonly among His Bhaktas as 'UDI,' which was Baba's greatest gift to humanity. Even as He left the material world, He was deeply concerned about our well-being and happiness. 

     So he blessed us, His children, with the UDI, nothing else but Sai personified. This UDI embodies Baba's soul. Through Baba took SAMADHI and became one with the universal soul, He stayed back in this world, in the tactile form. This form is Saibaba, better knows as His UDI, is forever alive with his Divine presence. Those who have been fortunate enough to realize this presence have benefitted immensely. 


 Baba had a holy fire burning for 24 hours in the Masjid. This Dhuni depicts the Hindu custom of performing YAGYA and AGNIHOTRAM. SAI UDI consisted of ashes collected from the dhuni. The Udi had divine power to cure all illnesses. Baba used to distribute this Udi to all devotees as prasad. There were many incidents where this holy Udi completely cured people's diseases.

  Once, an Irani gentleman living in Bombay had a daughter who had epilepsy. She used to have convulsions every hour and would become unconscious. The gentleman tried many sorts of treatment, but there was no relief for his ailment. Somebody had recommended Baba's Udi to her father and asked him to get it from Kakasaheb Dixit, who lived on Bombay's outskirts. The Irani gentleman approached Kakasahab Dixit and got the Udi. After that, he gave the Udi to his daughter every day by mixing it with water. Later, the convulsions were reduced to every seven hours, and after some days, she completely stopped.



    Once, on Balaji's death anniversary, many people were invited to prayers and take meals. Far more than the expected number of guests turned up. Balaji's wife had complete faith in her SAI MALIK. She prays to SAI to save the family from ignominy and maintain their respect. Then on the suggestion of her mother-in-law, with unwavering faith in Saibaba. Balaji's wife added His UDI to all the dishes and covered them with a piece of cloths and then kept swerving from these covered dishes. And a miracle happened! With Sai grace, no one returned without food, and all were fed to their heart's content.

   When someone is suffering from a disease, it manifests as medicine; when someone lacks courage, it manifests as inner strength; when someone is hungry, it manifests as food. When someone is failing, it manifests as success .

      SAI always helps his children in a moment of crisis. He cares for us. The way no one else does. He is seated in our hearts and knows our innermost thoughts and concerns.

sai baba udi



  1. Om sai Sri sai jai jai sai.. Om sai ram..

  2. Shirdi Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai Ho!
    If someone is interested to read Sai Satcharitra, plz let me know, I organise WhatsApp groups for the same and all like-minded people read 2 chapters every Thursday.

  3. Saibaba international hotel shirdi


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