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Sadguru's power should not be measured.

sai baba quotes

 Sadguru's power should not be measured.

There are many beautiful teachings in the scriptures. Many Hindu religious books contain rituals of worship of God or worship of various deities. Some books contain all the rules and regulations of Guru Puja. There are several treatments on how to cut from birth to death. 

That is called astrology. The book is based on the motion of all planets and stars. After a person is born, his or her horoscope is judged, and the future is calculated, and the correct information is given.

 Many types of worship describe how to get rid of planetary suffering. "It simply came to our notice then. We all know that there is a law of creation." 

The policy is proper by moving the zodiac signs of different planets. Many people are worshipping various deities to get rid of planetary diseases. No one gets the fruit; no one gets it. Everyone agrees because they have faith.

    Devotees who have taken refuge in the feet of the Sadguru will never be in trouble or will suffer any such hardships. Many came to Sai Baba, and many were relieved of such pain. The planetary pain is not found at all if the Guru is sheltered. 

The mental level is cut off in peace. Frequent pronunciation of his name or form philosophy has many virtues. Sai has never told anyone about planetary hardships. Even though he was a trinity, he was telling everyone how to live a good life.

     All the members of the Tendulkar family lived in Bandra, near Bombay. Despite his reliance on Sai Baba, he had a deep faith in astrology. He has written many books for Sai. Her son was studying hard to get a doctor's exam. He was worried that his son's planets might not be in good condition. 

He lost his mental balance after hearing his son's planetary orbit from astrology. Sabitribai's mother came to Shirdi and sat next to Baba and told him about her son. When Baba heard everything, he told his mother to take the test. 

Sai told the boy to trust me and that he would pass the test and do well. When Sabitribai came home, he told the boy that Sai had told him and asked him to take the test. Her son passed the test well.

     Sadguru's power should not be measured. He has the power to control all the forces of creation. The planets will not be affected by any devotees if we believe in Sai Baba correctly.


 Following in the footsteps of the Sadguru may lead to some mental distress in walking the path of life. "After a while, we were happy, and we followed that order." Every word is his message to us. We must always be ready for spiritual progress. The Guru is watching over us all the time to change our minds, our thoughts.

     Among Baba's many devotees, Abdul is very much his own. Sitting next to Baba and reciting the Koran, Baba picks him up because he is hanging during the lesson. Seeing this happening all the time, Baba told him to stop overeating. Abdul listens but does not obey. Once again, Baba told him that if you overate, it would be hard to find your God. Sattvic food should be taken in small amounts. Taking a little food instead of taking a variety of foods to your taste buds will keep your tongue under control. It is also not right to sleep. Enough to meditate on God.

       With Sai Baba's repeated urgings, Abdul's transformation began. With the control of food, the habit of falling asleep more and more decreased. In that sense, it is possible Abdul was happy. Full control over food and sleep leads to spiritual improvement.

 Sai devotees reach out to devotees by worshipping photos in devotion.

 Sai devotees reach out to devotees by worshipping photos in devotion.

 If the devotees of Shirdi Sai worship the photo of Sai Sababa in devotion, Sai reaches the door of the devotee at any time. One such fact should be presented here because Sai exists everywhere. 

A devotee named Balasaheb Bhatt gave a photo of Sai Baba to Appa Saheb Kulkarni. He has been worshipping with great reverence ever since he got that photo. The saints are very busy with their devotees. One of his experiences was given to him by Baba. Appa travels to various parts of Thane for military service during World War I.

 He goes to the office every morning after bathing and pics of SAI. Worshipping the photo created an awakening in the mind of Shirdi once in mind to see Baba. Therefore, the application was sent to Hakim, but the leave was not granted. He was distraught. Realizing Appsaheb's wishes, Baba approached his door in the form of a fakir.

Hundreds of years have passed since the burial of Sai, but a very ordinary devotee is still able to worship him as a photo of him. God is near. Although he wanted to visit the shrine in Shirdi, Sai planned to come.

 If someone arrives late or does not have time, Shirdi finds out that he or she is dreaming or in some way visiting him. However, the devotee does not understand his pastimes. His mortal body in the grave can also hear our heartfelt pleas. 

So it should not be forgotten that Sai Darshan is not found in photo worship. All I have to do is believe that my Sai is with me.

 His name is Sai Sai Sai, and we will beg at his feet, Sai! You save the world from great danger.

I will take charge of you if you remind me.

After his death, all his words came true. So far, no one was able to send in the perfect solution, which is not strange. Many researchers have studied all the events in his life and found that not a single word from Sai Baba was correct. Alibi is invisibly doing what he used to do for the devotees while he was in the body. Sai said while he was gone, even if I left, the bones of my grave would listen to you. That's the way it is today.

Those who have fully surrendered never say that Sai did not have him. With such devotees today, Sai lives very much with them. When the devotees remember him, he rises to his feet and shows them the way. Devotees who go to Shirdi must be blessed in some way with the vision of Sai Baba. He rises when he pleads. That's why Shirdi is very crowded. Everyone is back for sure.

sai baba quotes


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