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Sai baba miracles - Leela after Sai Baba Mahasamadhi . 8 october 2020

Sai baba miracles 

 While Baba was alive, many devotees used to come to him .  Some devotees were staying with him. If and when there was no facility to stay in Shirdi . Yet the devotees were living in that problems . . Their only concern is hearing massage and seeing Sai's face .

 There was a court sitting in the mosque. The court in which the owner himself was Sai .  At that time, Baba had such an obsession with his devotees .  That can still be seen today . "Believe me, even after I'm gone, my bones will still speak," Baba said . 

The question arose in the minds of some devotees as to who would save us after Baba left .It is no wonder that such a question arises in the minds of 100% of devotees. As much as Baba loved the devotees , Devotees loved him in the same way . 

Dedication with full confidence

I'm really grateful  for  those who worked hard . Then you can see if I am doing you welfare or not . Those who worship the Baba should worship with full faith . If he can have unwavering faith in him, he will solve all the problems . It is not easy to surrender . Inside the devotee's devotion is high , There are many devotees like Hanuman , Narad Prahlad and Vibhishan .

 Devotion to Sadguru can be seen in the devotee Vivekananda, so faith should be greatly enhanced to increase devotion . Gradually one should have full faith in the words or words of the Sadguru . Just as the wife of the house trusts her husband , so he must trust the Guru . 

After 1918

After 1918,  Sai's many temples and institutions in India and abroad are build . After Baba's death in 1918, his Leela spread to all corners of the globe . The main thing to spread is that there is no difficulty for his worship . His worship is so simple that everyone can worship Sai . 

Narayan Rao, a devotee of Shirdi Sai, visited Baba twice in Shirdi . There he became very ill, and although he took medication, he did not recover . In 1921, he fell asleep . At the time, he was eager to come to Shirdi, but was unable to do so due to illness . He was  praying  after his baba  was  bed rest . One night, Baba appeared to him in a dream and said, "Don't worry, your health will improve from tomorrow and you can walk in 1 week." 

The next day, his condition is improved . According to Baba, he was completely healed within seven days . He was able to do his daily work smoothly. One of them is that the promise made by the Baba is never false .  It is very fortunate to see him in his dreams. Whatever Sai Baba says must come true . 

Similarly describing another devoteeWhile Baba was in the body there was a devotee named Nachen who blessed his wife and said You will have a son. You will die after birth . In 1919, Nacheen's wife gave birth to a son . When the child was 2 years old, Nachen's wife died. The child survived for eight years . . As a child, he spoke like a great scholar . 

He even listened to Baba's voice and was perfect in yoga . He sat in meditation for a long time, and because of his keen knowledge, he became the most beloved of all . The child died in 1926, just eight years old . This shows how true Baba's words were. What he was saying came true . 

The story of these two devotees is not included in the life story of Shirdi Sai Baba . The details of the sacrifice until 1918 can be found in the Saisatcharitra . But the next thing is, the  history is still happen in Shirdi . It turns out that Baba  is doing what he promised . Efforts are being made to bring all these stories to the public eye . Everyone should read and samarpan with strong faith . 

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  1. The secret of Sai Baba's miracles are not understandable easily. But Baba does miracles for enlightening the devotees to move forward in the devotional avenue


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