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SAI's QUOTE :- guru leads human towards peace and liberation .

  guru leads human towards peace and liberation             We do not want to end the story with Baba's Mahasamadhi, for Baba's avatar has no end. Let us pause a bit in 1918 and take note of Guruhood's divine rebirth in enormous proportions and limitless directions. The mission of the Guru has carried on unendingly till this hour.  We have also not delineated individuals appearing after 1918 with the events and experiences in their lifetime association with Baba.  There are countless small and big personalities with higher backgrounds and vision of Baba's grace since then. The lives of Rege, Tarkhad, Pradhan, Galwankar Purandare, Narke, and Muslim devotees who came in contact with Baba in his mortal form have found sufficient light in the presently available biographies by Dabholkar, Narasinha Swamí, and others.  A separate story will have to be written to enumerate experiences of all who followed Baba after 1918. Here we end this biography with a portrayal of Baba as a
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Sai's leela ; SAI SAI SAI

   SAI SAI SAI The simple remembrance of my name as 'SA' 'SAI ' 'SAI ' will reduce all the sins of speech and hearing. Baba showed the importance Of praising the Lord by chanting His name day and night, called 'NAAMSAPTHA. ' He continuously recited God's name even during the night. Once, He was explaining this fact to his devotee, Kakasahab Dixit; "when I go to sleep, I often ask Mahalaspati to place his hand on my heart and listen to the chanting of Lord's name. Further, I would tell him to wake Me up if I go to sleep. However, Mahalsapati could not do either of these two as he fell asleep. Whenever I feel his hand as heavy as stone, I wake him up by calling 'Oh Bhagat. ' CHANTS SAI SAI SAI FOR WELLNESS OF worlds. WHEN SAI permitted holding the annual RAMNAVAMI Fair, the water problem was the stiffest for a solution. So when the management committee requested Baba to help them in the matter, He asked them to take away, after He had

Chants saibaba mantras for the wellness of universe

  Whenever a common man meets a saint, his purpose is to secure material benefits or worldly gains through his divine power. There is very little understanding in man and woman that the meaning of life is to reach the abode of ANANDA by adopting a proper lifestyle, mental and intellectual attitude, and uplifting human awareness to a higher level of divine consciousness. This is Sadhana's way of life. A life without spiritual Sadhana is directionless and betrays the very aim for which we have taken birth on this earth.     The lust or lure of power, fame, luxury, wealth, and indulgence in physical pleasure in magic and fleeting deprives a human being of his legitimate right to establish himself in Love, Peace, and divine contentment.     Always chants SAI SAI SAI for the wellness of universal...   If a man utters My name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes, increase his devotion, And if sings My life earnestly and My deeds, him I shall beset in front and back and on all sides.

The leela of Sai baba

    I ntense Love for God and God's Love for his devotee was an integral and significant Sai Baba message. He declared; God is everywhere. There is no place from which he is absent... Thereby love is there itself. When that springs up, everything is achieved. The result of man's devotion to God is a gift of Love from God. It is a spiritual treasure that is far more valuable than any material gifts. But man is so blinded by the world that he fails to realize the offered gift's value. Sai baba lamented: "no one listens to me or my wisdom. My Treasury is open. Non brings carts to take from it. I say dig; none will take any pains. I say, dig out the treasure and cart it away.        If anyone casts his burden on me and thinks of me, I look after his concerns. The reciprocity of Love is expressed here, a notion integral to the SUFI HAL of MOHABBAT.  These two Hindu devotees were also SAI's faithful followers. Mhalsapathi was not an educated man, as was Abdulla, but his

how to praise and worship sadguru

  From Guru Dattatreya, the tradition of Guru and disciple is created. We consider Sai Baba of Shirdi to be an incarnation of Dattatreya. One should associate with a guru with divine knowledge for the salvation of human life. During the Mahabharata war, Arjuna considered Lord Krishna as a guru when Krishna gave him divine knowledge.  When one takes refuge in the Guru, the accumulation of knowledge is destroyed as knowledge rises. Various opinions for Guru Puja are written in many books. Sai Baba has no such ritual of worship. Sai was indirectly imparting to the devotees the education he needed to simplify himself. Gradually the devotees could become very simple. Sai was teaching them how to teach someone. The devotee did not teach in the same way that the devotee gets everything. Sai was teaching how to make the journey of worldly life simple and beautiful.  Guru Purnima is a big festival of Baba. While Shirdi's Sai was alive, Sai was celebrating the Guru Purnima.     Guru Charan P