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The leela of Sai baba


 Intense Love for God and God's Love for his devotee was an integral and significant Sai Baba message. He declared; God is everywhere. There is no place from which he is absent... Thereby love is there itself. When that springs up, everything is achieved. The result of man's devotion to God is a gift of Love from God. It is a spiritual treasure that is far more valuable than any material gifts. But man is so blinded by the world that he fails to realize the offered gift's value. Sai baba lamented: "no one listens to me or my wisdom. My Treasury is open. Non brings carts to take from it. I say dig; none will take any pains. I say, dig out the treasure and cart it away.

       If anyone casts his burden on me and thinks of me, I look after his concerns. The reciprocity of Love is expressed here, a notion integral to the SUFI HAL of MOHABBAT.

 These two Hindu devotees were also SAI's faithful followers. Mhalsapathi was not an educated man, as was Abdulla, but his loyalty and faith were deep. Shyama was a comrade of BABA, but he lacked the depth of Abdulla and Mhalsapathi. Mhalsapathi and Abdulla treated Sai as God and adored Sai in their ways with utmost loyalty. Baba kept Mhalsapathi away from money and greed. He lives in poverty and austere devotion until he left his body and joined his soul to Baba's soul. These three prepared the background for the coming of Chandorkar and Ganu,

             Who were learned and educated bhaktas with higher intellectual as well as devotional stature ....

 One Christian police Inspector Joseph of 46, Turner Road, Bandra, Having failed to get any clue about culprits in a criminal case, prayed to Baba to help him: Baba was pleased to appear in his dream and to give him the necessary instructions for investigation. Following She's instructions, Joseph was able to find out the proper culprits.


           Guruhood is the essence of Sai Story. Hence Baba's Charitra is verily Guru Charitra. This has no beginning, not end. The Guru never take birth or die. Therefore Baba's life is perpetual,

  Chants ... SAI SAI SAI 

  IN 1910, on the Deepavali day, Baba was sitting before the dhuni and warming himself. During that time, He was cutting firewood in the dhuni, and it started glowing. After some time, instead of firewood, He thrust his hand into dhuni, and it was burning. Fortunately, Baba's close associates, Shama and Tatya, were standing nearby, and when they saw this incident, they rushed towards him and pulled Him back by His hip. Later, Shama asked Baba, Deva! Why did you do this? Baba became conscious and replied," At a closer distance , a blacksmith's wife was sitting and working before the fire . She was carrying a child on her lap till she got up suddenly to attend her husband's demand . The child slipped in to fire , so I saved the child . I don't bother about My hand being burnt . However , I am happy that I could save the child ."

      SAI MALIK showed Love and care for His devotees and saved them.

      Chants SAI SAI SAI for Save our world.

Never forget the Perfect Masters.

The mind of the Guru servant should be pure from the inside out. It is not easy to follow the path of the Guru. It may seem easy on the outside, but it's tough. It is not always easy to pass the Guru exam. He has a treasure trove of mines, but the devotees want to get something from him, but he can't find them. The only reason he deserved it was. In today’s society, everyone is lagging in hard work. Everyone is hoping for more results in a short time. Everyone wants to know how to get more comfortable.

The right Guru in life should be chosen. The heart of a sage who always has the highest peace. In his eyes, everyone is small and big.

    Concentrate on what the Guru says to the mind and meditate on it every day.

    His advice was never forgotten.

    The devotee has to fulfill the wishes of the Guru.

    He knows what is essential for the devotee.


    Shirdi's Sai Baba has given us two great mantras. One is 'Shraddha,' and the other is Saburi. Master grace can be obtained by believing in faith and patience. Sai gave us the mantra he learned from his Guru.

   To celebrate the Gururpurnima of the holy Guru, we should read the book "Sai Satcharita" based on his words. We can have mercy by sitting in front of him at his home on Thursday and reading. It is best to finish the book in one day, three days, five days, or seven days. Praying with devotion will bless Saibaba. On the Gurupurnima, the day of Guru, may everyone recite and receive his grace.



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SAI's QUOTE :- Who am I ?

LEELA OF SAI       SAIBABA was only his body -three cubits  and a half in length ,He incarnated Himself in this form , and if any devotee meditated on him , day and night , with complete self surrender , he experience complete union with Him , like sweetness and suger , Waves and sea , eye and it sight . He who wants to get rid of the cycle of Birth and deaths , should lead a righteous life with his mind clam and composed . He should not speak harshly to anyone , so as to hurt him .He should always engage himself in good action , should do his duties and surrender himself , heart and soul ,to Him . He need not then be afraid if anything . He , who trust him entirely , hears and expounds His Leela's and does not think anything else , is sure to attend self realisation . Baba asked many ro remember His name and to surrender to Him but to those , who wants to know , who they were ... Who am I . He advised Shravan and Manan .